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Agrishow Event
Accessibility Project

Project actions and accessibility and mobility measures to improve access to the Agrishow event in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto. The study covered the aspects of relocating parking spaces, as well as balancing entrances and exits according to the event's demand.


Furthermore, the study aims to minimize the impact on passing traffic, both on Rodovia Prefeito Duarte Nogueira (SP322), and on devices upstream and downstream of the main access to the Agrishow fair.

projeto de acessibilidade
projeto de acessibilidade para agrishow

UNIMED Biopark
Drainage Projects, Pavimentation and signage

Preparation of the Paving Project; Horizontal and Vertical Signage; and Drainage, with all projects
with BIM modeling and other extensions, according to the needs, assumptions and technical data made available, fully complying with all relevant technical standards, through a global contract, for the preparation of the complete project for accesses, parking lots, circulations, service docks, sidewalks and other external areas of the hospital belonging to Unimed, located in Biopark, in the city of Toledo, state of Paraná

projetos de drenagem, pavimentação e sinalização

Porto Digital - Recife/PE
Traffic Study

ANDcarrying out a traffic, capacity and road safety study on a section of Avenida Conde do Irajá, Torre neighborhood, Recife-PE, involving capacity study and traffic microsimulation for the implementation of a cycle lane and connection with the existing section


estudo de tráfego
estudo de tráfego

MRV – Residential Use Development
Traffic Study

Traffic Study, which covers aspects of trip generation and its distribution (modal, temporal and spatial), as well as accessibility conditions to the enterprise, with a view to minimizing the impact on passing traffic.

estudo de tráfego
estudo de tráfego

Rede Voa – Leite Lopes Ribeirão Preto Airport
Infrastructure Project and Traffic Study

Preparation of technical studies and urban and road infrastructure projects, with traffic studies being prepared with microsimulation and analysis of road capacity, surveys and soil analysis, executive geometry project, executive earthworks project, executive asphalt paving project, executive urban drainage project, executive road signage project.


projeto de infraestrutura e estudo de tráfego
projeto de insfraestrutura e estudo de tráfego

Bidding for the Municipality of Itamarandiba/MG
Urban Projects and Traffic Study

Preparation of traffic studies and conceptual and basic road signage projects
of the central area of the municipality, as well as road reorganization, through a new circulation plan and new signage throughout the urban perimeter.


projetos urbanos e estudo de tráfego
projetos urbanos e estudo de tráfego
projetos urbanos e estudo de tráfego

Microsoft - Sumaré/SP
Road Infrastructure Projects

Preparation of road infrastructure projects such as Functional Project, Geometry Project, Paving; Signaling Horizontal and vertical; and Drainage, with all projects using BIM modeling and other extensions, in accordance with the needs, premises and technical data available, fully complying with all relevant technical standards, through a global contract, for the preparation of the complete project for accesses, parking lots , circulations, service docks, sidewalks and other external areas of the project, located in the city of Sumaré in the state of São Paulo/SP.


projetos de infraestrutura viária
projetos de infraestrutura viária

Morilha – Gas Station SP-334
Road Infrastructure Projects – Road Access

Preparation of executive projects for Geometry, earthworks, paving, drainage and road signage with descriptive memorial of the work, quantitative spreadsheets and approval. All projects were carried out using BIM modeling and other extensions, in accordance with the needs, assumptions and technical data available, fully complying with all relevant technical standards, through a global contract, for the preparation of the complete project for the road accesses located in city of Franca in the state of São Paulo/SP.


projetos de infraestrutura viária
projetos de infraestrutura viária

UNIPAR – Santo André/SP Unit
Executive Road Signage Project

Preparation of the Horizontal and Vertical Signage project, Internal Circulation Plan with descriptive memorial of the work and quantitative spreadsheets. All projects were carried out using BIM modeling and other extensions, in accordance with the needs, assumptions and technical data made available, fully complying with all relevant technical standards, through a global contract, for the preparation of the complete project for the accesses.parking lots, circulation areas, service docks, sidewalks and other internal areas of the project, located in the city of Santo André in the state of São Paulo/SP.


projeto executivo de sinalização viária
projeto executivo de sinalização viária

Tenda Supermercados – Bertioga/SP Unit
 Asphalt Paving Project

Elabpresentation of the executive project for internal asphalt paving with a descriptive memorial of the work and quantitative spreadsheets.
All projects were carried out using BIM modeling and other extensions, in accordance with the needs, assumptions and technical data available, fully complying with all relevant technical standards, through a global contract, for the preparation of the complete project for accesses, parking lots, circulation areas, service docks, sidewalks and other internal areas of the project, located in the city of Bertioga in the state of São Paulo/SP.


projeto executivo de sinalização viária
projeto executivo de sinalização viária


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CNPJ: 42.538.675/0001-39

CEP 14096-570

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